Friday, January 30, 2009

Birthday Recap

This past Thursday was my 23rd birthday! I definitely feel older. I think a lot of it is conventional math: graduate high school (18), graduate college (22), old fart (23). While I didn't necessarily follow that pattern, 22 for me seems like a "young" age and everything else is an abyss. It's weird, I know. No big deal.

I have to say that even though I saw Tom for a grand total of 90 minutes, it wasn't a bad birthday. I worked which kept me occupied. The best part... HM's birthday present to me was to leave me ALONE! My employees took me out to lunch and got me flowers and balloons! BH got me flowers and balloons, too! My office smelled like a garden! Loves it! BH's present hasn't come in yet, though!

Thanks for all the warm wishes!

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