Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I'm back!

Sorry, ya'll! I had a hell of a week last week. All I wanted to do was give one giant middle finger to HM. It was THAT bad! Luckily, HM was golfing today! It was fabulous. I actually had time to draft a termination letter that I had to have done last week!

On a brighter note... we went to Tokyo Disney yesterday! Not Disneyland, but DisneySEA! It was so freakin' cool! I'll post pictures up soon. We went to Disneyland back in September for Labor Day. It was a Monday and we figured all the Japanese squirts would be in school. Boy, were we wrong. It was chock-full-o-squirts! Disneysea was no where near as busy! It took us longer to walk through the ropes than it did to wait in line. Tower of Terror had a 40 minute wait, and we didn't mind since we hadn't lined up for any ride ALL DAY!

Tom and I are going to chillax tonight and watch the Obama inauguration. It's a historical moment! I think all inaugurations are historic! I remember Bush's back in 2000. I personally didn't vote for Obama. I liked that McCain had no problem crossing party lines and his experience was definite plus. It's not that I didn't like Obama. I think part of me wanted to go against the grain and fight the "fad". I wasn't upset when he won, though. I kind of expected it in all honesty. There was Republican fatigue and America wasn't going to vote another one in for an additional 4, or possibly 8, years. Looking back, I think, and hope, that it was a great thing that he was elected. The good will he brings to the Office of the President is something, I think, will unite America as well as change many international opinions. I'm not so sure McCain could have done the same. I hope he ends up becoming one of our best presidents. He has a lot of work ahead of him and hopefully he can show everyone what he's made of! We won't look to him in anticipation of his failure, but of his success.

I must be honest and voice how peeved I am at the whole inauguration circus thing going on. I resent how they're making this all out to be a black thing. I like my presidents to be American. Not black, white, yellow, red, Protestant, Catholic, Jewish...I think I've made my point. All the celebrities are buzzing and yes, he will be the first African-American president. Amazing strides for America, without a doubt. I kind of feel cheated that no one has really come out to say, "Yes, he is America's first African-American president. However, he is American first and foremost." Like me, I'm Cuban-American. But I am 100% American. My Cuban roots are secondary. Do I understand the Latino plight? Certainly! Would a Latino or woman president cause a similar stir? Probably. But at some point, I'd expect them to call it for what it is.

My two cents...

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